Freddy has been with Heaven Sent Pet Care for one year now! He has supported feral cats in his neighborhood and sometimes finds homes for them. He currently has four feral cats and a cockatiel that he rescued. His cockatiel is named Birdie and is his favorite animal. Birdie is terrified of people, especially hands. He will only let Freddy touch him with his nose. Imagine Freddy grooming his bird with his nose! He likes working with animals because he always gets what he puts into them and it is a very rewarding job. Freddy has lived in the Chicago area for 24 years and before Heaven Sent he worked in a group home. His main hobbies include gardening and reading about ancient history. Freddy also likes riding his bike outside when the weather is nice!
Pet Care Specialities
Dogs, Cats, and Birds
Plus: Rabbits, Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Fish, and Lizards